415-740-0727 ct@quantumedge.org



The Enterprise Covenant is an informal self assessment based
on the theory of living systems and forty years experience
in organizational development. It is comprised of a set of three
critical agreements that require articulation and ongoing
maintenance by any senior team seeking success.


The Leadership Agreement – Who we are and where we’re going.


The Development Agreement – How we’ll improve our relations and systems.


The Inquiry Agreement – How we’ll engage and make decisions.


We encourage you to fill out the document and score each element in the agreements 1-6 to reflect on what aspects your organization has in place. Please contact us if you have questions or want to discuss the implications.


After completing the survey and see that you have a pattern
of low scores in relation to a particular agreement and would like to
discuss the implications, please press submit to send your response to QuantumEdge.org and we will respond promptly to your inquiry.


All data is kept confidential and is never given out or sold to anyone.


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