415-740-0727 ct@quantumedge.org



At a large computer chip company, a start-up team was floundering in
its efforts to build a two billion dollar product line in three years. Early
on in the effort, the team’s frictions and resulting confusion caused a
prolonged stoppage on one of the company’s main manufacturing
lines. Management became deeply concerned and began
high intensity monitoring.


The project leader invited Quantum Edge to help the team develop a
culture of high integrity and deep cooperation that could withstand
the pressure of its complex environment
and generate performance breakthroughs.


We conducted ongoing team building retreats using Dialogue, the art
of collaborative inquiry and customized executive coaching
based on inner mastery arts to develop each leader‘s
presence under pressure.


Within a few months the team had resolved it’s internal conflicts
and established an exemplary degree of cohesiveness. By year’s end
they were thriving and had radically increased their revenues from
$20 million a year to $20 million a month.


Helping teams collaborate decisively


We help senior teams develop the capacity to
facilitate their own inquiry. We teach the art of Dialogue
as a counterpoint to the normal competitive debate that
characterizes many team conversations. Dialogue enables
people to see the assumptions that often filter their
experience, helping them deepen their understanding of
themselves and others.